Shams al-Ma'arif

Shams al-Ma'arif (The Book of the Sun of Gnosis)  

A manuscript copy, beginning of 17th century
Author(s) Ahmed al-Boni
Country Egypt
Language Arabic
Genre(s) Occult treatise, Grimoire
OCLC Number 20121408
LC Classification BF1771 .B8 Arab

Shams al-Ma'arif or Shams al-Ma'arif wa Lata'if al-'Awarif (Arabic: كتاب شمس المعارف ولطائف العوارف‎, lit. "The Book of the Sun of Gnosis and the Subtleties of Elevated Things") is a 13th-century grimoire written on Arabic magic and a manual for achieving esoteric spirituality. It was written by quasi-Qabalistic Sufi Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-boni in Egypt, who died around 1225 CE (622 AH). The Shams al-Ma'arif is generally regarded as the most influential textbook of its type in the Arab and Muslim worlds,[1] and is arguably as important as, if not more than, the Picatrix in both hemispheres.

In contemporary form the book consists of two volumes; Shams al-Ma'arif al-Kubra and Shams al-Ma'arif al-Sughra, the former being the larger of the two.[2][3] The first few chapters introduce the reader into magic squares, and the combination of numbers and the alphabet that are believed to bring magical effect, from which the author insists is the only way to communicate with genies, angels and spirits. The table of contents that were introduced in the later printed editions of the work contain a list of unnumbered chapters (faṣl), which stretch to a number of 40. However, prior to the printing press and various other standardisations, there were three independent volumes that circulated, each one differing in length.[4]

While being popular, it also carries a reputation for being suppressed and banned for much of Islamic history,[5] but still flourishes in being read and studied up to the present day. Modern Sufi circles such as the Balkan-based Naqshbandi-Haqqani and Levantine Shadhili-Yashruti orders have recognised its legitimacy and use as a compendium for the occult, and hold it in high regard.[6]

Another title by the same author, namely Manba' Usool al-Hikmah ("The Source of the Essentials of Wisdom"), is considered its companion text.



Although full-volume translations into English are not known, there have been numerous renditions of a few of the more popular rituals found within the main treatise, as well as those that lie in its accompanying text. Some of these rituals have had various degrees of notability, but one of recurring presence in many publications is that of the Birhatiya[7][8][9] (also known as The Ancient Oath or Red Sulphur[10]).

Outside of the Arab and Western world, several editions of the book have been published in the Urdu and Turkish languages.[11][12][13]

See also


  1. ^ Owen Davies, Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 27
  2. ^ Shamsu al-Ma‘aref al-Kubrah, Al Nour Library, Beirut, Lebanon: 2006.
  3. ^ Shamsu al-Ma‘aref al-Sughra, Al Nour Library, Beirut, Lebanon: 2005.
  4. ^ Francis Maddison, Emilie Savage-Smith, Ralph H. Pinder-Wilson, Tim Stanley, Science, Tools And Magic Vol. 12, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 65
  5. ^ Michael Ipgrave, Scriptures in Dialogue: Christians and Muslims Studying the Bible and the Qur'an Together, Church Publishing Inc, 2004, p. 42
  6. ^ "Shamsu’l-Ma`arif". Retrieved July 9, 2011. 
  7. ^ Wahid Azal, The Birhatiya Conjuration Oath & the meaning of its first 28 names, N.U.R.-Fatimiya Sufi Order, 2008
  8. ^ Nineveh Shadrach, Magic That Works: Practical Training for the Children of Light, Ishtar Publishing, 2005, p. 228
  9. ^ Nineveh Shadrach, Ancient Magick Conjuration of Power: Beginners Guide to the Berhatiah, Ishtar Publishing, 2011
  10. ^ Nineveh Shadrach, Magic That Works: Practical Training for the Children of Light, Ishtar Publishing, 2005, p. 48
  11. ^ Iqbal al-Din Ahmad, Shams al-Ma'arif al-Kubra Wa Lata'if al-'Awarif. Urdu, Darul Ishaat, Karachi, Pakistan: 1978.
  12. ^ Basir Ahmad Hadrat Kalianwala, Shams al-Ma'arif Lata'if al-'Awarif. Urdu Tarjama, Kutub Khana Shan-e-Islam, Lahore, Pakistan.
  13. ^ Selahattin Alpay, Sems’ül Maarif. Büyük Bilgiler Güneşi, P.K. 157 Beyazid, Istanbul: 1979.

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